Portco Portal User Guide

Introductory Guide on how to navigate the Portco Portal

Setting Up Your Account

You should have received an email welcoming you to the portal.  Within the email, please click on  the "Log in" button. This will bring you to a page where you can set up your password and credentials. Please note that you will first nee to set up a password before you can login to the portal using your email address.

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If you haven't received a "Welcome" email, please follow the below steps:

  • Your internal IT firewall rules may be blocking the emails and IP address. Please whitelist noreply@atominvest.co, atominvest.co, and
  • Please also add noreply@atominvest.co as an email contact to prevent emails from being sent to the quarantine inbox.
  • Last but not least, please double check your spam mailbox.

Once done, reach out to support@atominvest.co and we will resend the account creation email to you.


Navigating the Portal

Once logged in, you will land on the home page of the Portco Portal. To start your data collection process, please click on "Go to Data Collection".

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Data Collection

The Data Collection mission control page will show you all the workflows you are responsible for completing.



Action Item: This shows you the data collection workflows assigned to you. Please note that you may be responsible for multiple data collection workflows (e.g. Financial vs. ESG, Actual vs. Budget). To have a clear overview, click on the arrow button to fold or unfold the line items.

Date:  This indicates the date of the data collection workflow.

Workflow Status: This indicates the status of the data collection workflow.

  • Open: Workflow is "live" / "opened" for you to submit data.
  • Overdue: Workflow is past deadline.
  • Resubmission Requested: Admin user has requested you to update the metrics you've submitted.
  • Submitted: You have submitted the workflow for the admin user's approval.
  • Completed: Workflow has been approved by admin user. Given that not all questions may be mandatory, a workflow can be marked as "Completed" by the admin user even if the workflow isn't 100% filled.

% Completed: This shows how many questions you have responded in the data collection workflow.

Asset/ Fund: Which asset and/or fund the data collection workflow is related to

Scenario: Which scenario the data collection workflow is related to (e.g. Actual, Budget, Forecast...etc.)

Scheduled Frequency: How often this data collection workflow is scheduled

Period: What time period the metrics are based on.

  • Point in Time: Used to show non accumulating data, e.g. Balance Sheet data, Operating Metrics like number of employees.
  • Monthly: Used to show data for a specific month.
  • Quarterly: Used to show data for a specific quarter.
  • TTM: Trailing 12 months; used to show data from the past 12 consecutive months.
  • YTD: Year to date; used to show data from the start of the fiscal year up to the current date.


Filling in a Data Collection Workflow

To start filling in the data collection workflow, click on the blue hyperlink.  Please review the below videos for detailed instructions on how to submit your workflow:


1. Standard Data Collection Workflows

How to submit a standard data collection workflow


    Uploading your answers via excel templates

    When completing your data collection workflow, you may opt to download the excel template and bulk upload your answers. When doing so, please do not alter the underlying template, as the system will not be able to read the information if it has been tampered. 

    We would also recommend always downloading a fresh template every time you are completing a new workflow,  as the admin user may have updated the metrics and KPIs in between the time periods.


    2. Questionnaire  Data Collection Workflows

    How to submit a questionnaire data collection workflow


    Submitting Comments

    When providing the KPIs you may want to add context to the numbers or responses you are submitting. To do so, you can add a comment next to the metric.  For more information, please review the video below:

    How to submit comments


    Handling Resubmission Requests

    After you have submitted your data collection workflow for review, the admin user may ask you to resubmit some of the metrics provided. If the admin has marked a metric for resubmission, you will receive an email notification about it.

    Please see the below video on how to handle resubmission requests or review comments from the approver:

    How to handle resubmission requests


    Knowledge Base and Directory

    In some cases, your GP may have set up a knowledge base and directory to share thought leadership articles and useful contacts with you. If so, please feel free to review the below video on how to navigate those two tabs:

    Knowledge Base and Directory


    Hopefully this guide has been helpful. If you have any technical questions, please reach out to support@atominvest.co.